Group 27 Copy 2
Group 27 Copy 2
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Your path to financial freedom.
We give you market beating stock recommendations at just
₹9999₹5999 per year
with 30 day money back policy
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FD returns last 5 years
Mutual Funds returns last 5 years
Equity Index returns last 5 years
Trendtrade portfolio returns last 5 years
How it works
Trendtrade is fast, easy and rewarding
New stocks to buy every month in your inbox, we do the research for you!
Only 5 minutes a month to tune up your portfolio
Timely update of entry & exit price of the stock to maximise returns
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My portfolio grew more than 250% in the last 3 years
- Tushar Cheulkar
31, IT professional
My portfolio grew more than 35% in the last 6 months
- Preyansh Vora
24, Graphic designer
My portfolio grew more than 100% in the last 1 year
- Anusha Togani
29, School teacher
My portfolio grew over 350% in the last 5 years
- Asha Anand
64, Home Maker
Market Beating Returns
The Trendtrade team has provided quality stock market recomendations which have outperfomed the market 4:1. We do this through informed market analysis and find quality shares, often when these businesses.
Fixed Deposit
Mutual Funds
Equity Index
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Most people would spend ₹1000 bucks,a month ordering a pizza instead of getting rich.
You decide who you are.
Trend trade stock advisor - ₹5999 (1 year)
30 day money back guarantee!
₹500 per month
(₹5999 per year)
  • - 2-3 stock recommendations per month
  • - Guided trades so you know when to buy and sell
  • - Straight in your email inbox
Oh and guess what!
30 day money back guarantee!
Frequently Asked Questions
How many stock tips per month?
Trendtrade members gain unlimited access to our past library of expert stock recommendations inside the service. In addition to this, you will receive an average of 2-3 stock tips per month. Please note this is subject to market environment and sentiment.
How easy is it for me to manage considering I’m a passive investor?
Trades will be extremely simple to manage as we do all the work for you. You will periodically receive a buy and sell range for all stock recommendations. All you have to do is follow it and watch your portfolio grow!
How will I receive the stock tips?
All our communication will be on email. We will send you emails on the registered id you use to sign up for our package. In case you wish to change your id, please reach out to us on
What kind of returns to expect?
While the equity index over the last 5 years, has averaged 12% CAGR, our customers at Trendtrade have seen a return of over 30% CAGR. Please note this is subject to market environment and sentiment.
How much is the minimum capital required?
There is no minimum capital required but we recommend you having a basic capital of INR 100,000/- so you can get sufficient exposure across all our recommendations.
Is this the right time to start investing?
Our allocation and risk management strategy is designed in such a way that it does not matter at what levels of Nifty you are beginning to build your portfolio. We attempt to build a portfolio in a staggered manner so that any broader market corrections are taken complete advantage of. Also, we would rather follow the markets rather than trying to predict them. Our Strategy to focus simply on the trajectory of a business rather than the broader markets has proven affective time and again
₹ Kitna Banega?
The Trendtrade team has provimm recomendations which have outperfomed the market.
What is your current budget for investment?
Time frame you’re looking to invest?
Trendtrade stock advisor
₹5999 (1 year)
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